This Heathrow Ad is the Warm Fuzzy We All Need This Holiday Season

It's probably not an overstatement to say that, for much of the world, 2016 has been kind of a rough year. And as it (finally) starts to winds down, it's okay to admit that we all maybe need a little extra cuteness to get us through these last few weeks.
Enter, Heathrow Airport. No, not the way you think, though it'd be pretty great if we all suddenly woke up with round-trip tickets to London as some kind of "Congrats on surviving a pretty awful year" cosmic reward. (Hint, hint, universe.) Instead, Heathrow has actually decided to make its first ever holiday commercial about itself. And, though you may think this is a weird idea, the final product is completely adorable. And provides a much-needed emotional balm for our frayed spirits.
The clip features an aging teddy bear couple navigating their way through a flight, the duty free shops, airport bathrooms, customs, and baggage claim. The two furry creatures finally end up in their own version of that moment Love Actually talks about during the opening scene of the movie, and the international arrivals gate reminds us all that love really is all around.
It's possible that I've watched this clip six times already. (And definitely got a little bit teary.) See for yourself:
“We love the film and hope the bears’ journey through the airport captures that excitement you feel when walking through Heathrow arrivals into the arms of your loved ones at Christmas,” Heathrow’s commercial director Jonathan Coen said in a statement.
I would probably say that the ad doesnt' "capture the excitement" of arriving at Heathrow, so much as "kick you right in the feels", but I love it anyway. And I'm gonna keep watching on loop for the next month.
England always has such great holiday spots. Has anyone seen any other great ones this year yet? Do tell!