Becka Deserves So Much Better Than 'The Couple Next Door'

Sam Heughan as Danny, Alfred Enoch as Pete in 'The Couple Next Door'
Anyone with the Marie Kondo "I love mess" meme saved as a top reaction photo on their phone would absolutely love the fourth episode of The Couple Nex Door Season 1. Evie may have kicked things off in Episode 3 by saying Pete was more into the idea of couple swapping than he was, but having a fun night with Danny was just the beginning of the rough times for both couples.
The morning after the hook-up reinvented new levels of awkwardness. Pete was understandably despondent. Becka was more upset about her and Danny's photos and videos winding up online. Evie was immediately obsessed with figuring out when she could get Danny back in bed again. The distance between Pete and Evie turned into an outright canyon when Becka let it slip during the episode that Evie had outright said Pete was into the idea of swinging. That nasty feeling in the back of his head that his wife was into another man turned into a confirmed fact, and Pete didn't know what to do with that.
Unfortunately for Danny, Pete's aggression found a suitable target when Pete's co-worker, Sophie (Ioanna Kimbook), clarified the pictures they took at the building site they were investigating and confirmed it was Danny's partner.
The Investigation Gets Dangerous
Before Pete was officially on to him, Danny received a threatening letter from the man he'd been protecting, and who had his raw diamonds taken on Danny and Gary's (Joel Morris) watch. To save their families, they have to get the diamonds back, and only then will they be let off the hook. Unfortunately, they meet up with an informant at the same pub where Sophie is hanging out. She bugs their conversation and follows them to a criminal hideout. She doesn't see exactly what they're looking for, but she gets enough to know they are up to something and calls Pete.
Pete was looking for something to take out on Danny so he skedaddles over there, just in time to see Danny and Gary fleeing the scene. It's enough proof for him that his copper neighbor, and the guy that screwed his wife on their spa vacation, is up to something illegal. If seeing Danny in the getaway car wasn't enough for Pete to hate his neighbor, the phone call he got from his sister-in-law moments later congratulating him on Evie's pregnancy sure as hell did the trick.
Evie, Are You Okay? (Are You Okay, Evie?)
It's safe to say that Evie had a great time on the spa trip. She probably had the best time out of everyone there. She had a better time than Pete or Becka. She wanted round two as soon as she and Danny finished, but Danny insisted that they needed to check in with their partners before anything else could happen, and that's when things started to fall apart. She approached Danny again when they got home because she was freaked out that he might ignore her. He (again) clarified that he's only into switching things up when all parties consent to the arrangement. Pete didn't, so nothing further could happen.
Evie did not take the rejection well. Pete didn't take her sleeping with another man – though Evie denied they fully slept together – well, either. It was even worse when Evie said that Pete shouldn't feel bad that he didn't go all the way with Becka. She's played it so obliviously that it was disturbing. She slept with another man while her husband waited outside, and she's not remotely sorry for doing it. To make matters worse, a few weeks later, Evie took a pregnancy test, and (Surprise, surprise, surprise!) it was positive. It looks like she also lied to Danny when she said she was still on birth control so that broken condom was a huge issue.
Her immediate reaction is to thank God for forgiving her and giving her that blessing. The first person she told wasn't Danny or Pete, but her sister and mother. She's only a few weeks along, but Evie was fully ready to jump back into their religious cult Kool-Aid now that she's with child again. That's how her sister was able to spill the beans to Pete. Evie's obsession with Danny and her reaction to the pregnancy, eagerly going back to her borderline abusive father, signals that there is something not quite right there. The loss of her last pregnancy may have caused a self-destructive disorder, and it's not clear if Pete can see through his jealousy to help her with that.
Becka Is The Real Victim Here
While Evie and Danny have created a gigantic mess, Becka got the short end of the stick in this episode. She was suspended from her job when no one showed up to take her yoga classes. The website made it look like she was a sex worker commissioning new gigs, and that didn't fly with the conservative community.
Worst yet, when she lost her job, she checked the savings account to pay for her and Danny's son's school trip, only to find it nearly depleted. She confronted Danny about it, who immediately lied and said he gave the money to some of the builders for their kitchen remodel. Becka pushed him to get it back since they could no longer afford it, and Danny swore that he'd do it. He didn't swear it convincingly enough because Becka decided to follow him the next day and discovered his baby mama. Becka is the definition of a cool girl. She's fit and wild in bed, and what else could she be doing to ensure a happy marriage? This was a sucker punch she didn't deserve.
To make matters worse, Becka found out that Alan (Hugh Dennis) had a stroke inside her house. We were initially concerned that Jean (Kate Robbins) would be in danger when Alan came to, but the stroke has immobilized him. It turns out that Jean isn't to be toyed with either. She went upstairs and found his secret folder of hidden Becka photos. In some weird revenge scheme, she told Becka that Alan had been chasing away the intruders in her house when he had the stroke. To show her thanks, Becka offered to come over and give Alan private yoga sessions to help improve his mobility.
So now Becka has unknowingly agreed to give hands-on yoga lessons to her stalker while processing that her husband has a baby with another woman. Oh, and she also has no idea that her neighbor is obsessed with her husband and also carrying his child. Diamond smugglers could also show up at her door at any time to use her and her son as leverage against Danny.
Out of everyone involved in this mess, Becka has been straightforward and honest about who she is and what she wants. In return, she has been lied to, manipulated it, and had her privacy invaded in horrific ways. I hope she gets away from everyone because she deserves to be free of this nonsense more than anyone else.
Justice for Becka! And maybe a little for Pete, too, but everyone else is making their own bed and should have to lie in it.
The Couple Next Door will release new episodes on Starz every Friday through Friday, February 21, 2025. Episodes are available to stream on the Starz app with a subscription. Season 2 (god help us all) is already greenlit.