It's Fathers & Daughters, Secrets & Lies in 'COBRA's Rebellion

Picture shows: Ellie Sutherland (Holly Cattle) and her father Robert Sutherland (Robert Carlyle) talk in a police interview room.

Ellie Sutherland (Holly Cattle) and her father Robert Sutherland (Robert Carlyle) .

© Sky Studios Limited

As COBRA: Rebellion opens, both Ellie Sutherland and Henry Wicks have been released from hospital and are being questioned by the police about their involvement with the Godley Common disaster. Ellie tells the police that Nate told her about the device, part of Henry’s plans to escalate Planet Resistance’s activities, and that she feels exploited. She doesn’t know where Nate is or even her friend Polly’s whereabouts, and she’s looking at an initial sentence of fourteen years in prison, with possible additional time for aggravated trespass and attempted murder.

Polly Wright (Nate’s partner/Ellie’s friend) is on the run, making her way to her father’s house. They’ve been estranged, though her father, army veteran Dan Goddard (Anthony Flanagan), is pleased to see her. He’s obviously curious about her sudden reappearance until the police come calling right after her. Dan tells them he hasn’t seen his daughter in years, sending them away as Polly hides upstairs. Once they’re gone, Polly admits she’s been active with Planet Resistance and invited the PM’s daughter to join them at Godley Common. Dan begs her to turn herself in, saying he can’t protect her. She ignores him and heads back out to join a demonstration at the International Defense Expo in London.

In London, PM Robert and Anna read over the headlines for the day. She asks after Ellie, only to be told again that he’s not intervening. She needs a wake-up call; justice must be done. Anna argues that Ellie is being true to her principles; she knows her own mind. 

Picture shows: Polly Wright (Emily Fair) and her father Dan Goddard (Anthony Flanagan) talk about what she should do next.

Polly Wright (Emily Fair) and her father Dan Goddard (Anthony Flanagan).

© Sky Studios Limited

At the COBRA, Robert gives a brief statement on Ellie’s involvement, and the Home Secretary, Joseph Obasi, praises the PM for his commitment to justice without fear or favor, treating Ellie as if she used her privilege to make her father (and the country) suffer. Eleanor (Head of the Joint Intelligence Committee) warns that the Defense Expo will attract many protesters. Victoria (Defense Minister) eagerly anticipates many arrests under the unpopular Civil Defense Act. Audrey (Director of the Civil Contingent Secretariat) reports the death toll from Godley Common stands at 150. Concerned that Ellie and Henry’s evidence will turn out inconclusive and lead them to be freed, Nate and Polly must be interviewed. 

There’s also a troubling new development with the royal family of Shirazia, with whom the British government is about to sign an important treaty that will provide the UK with security, energy, and jobs. Despite the attempt by now-Foreign Secretary Archie Glover-Morgan to cover up Princess Yadira’s alleged kidnapping, it’s getting out and being taken seriously. The team calls in resident spin doctor Peter Mott to sanitize the deal with the dodgy Shirazians and Ellie’s arrest. Victoria comments the deal could be jeopardized, but Robert is more concerned that a crime may have been committed on British soil, and if so, the government is responsible.

Archie heads to breakfast with Prince Samir, only to be extremely annoyed to find Victoria beat him to it. Archie asks if Samir has proof that Yasmin is safely home because "some people in the government" need reassurance. Samir shows him pictures of Yadira shopping, but doesn’t take the hint others need to see them, telling Archie he doesn’t want the issue referred to again. After the royalty leaves for the Expo, Archie explodes at an unrepentant Victoria. He is livid she gatecrashed his meeting, not to mention arrived early to get a jump on him.

Picture shows: Crown Prince Samir Bin Zyan Al-Bilal (Khalid Laith), Robert Sutherland (Robert Carlyle), Archie Glover-Morgan (David Haig), and  Victoria Dalton (Jane Horrocks).

Shortly before the trouble began, Crown Prince Samir Bin Zyan Al-Bilal (Khalid Laith) enjoyed a day at the races with PM Robert Sutherland,(Robert Carlyle), Foreign Secretary Archie Glover-Morgan (David Haig), and Defense Secretary Victoria Dalton (Jane Horrocks).

© Sky Studios Limited

Back in prison, it’s Henry Wicks’ turn to be questioned. He denies knowing where Nate is, claiming Planet Resistance is entirely peaceful. He is shocked – shocked! – the police think flares in his apartment might be involved in his activism. His confidence falters slightly when he learns he may spend the rest of his life in prison. Meanwhile, Robert finally visits Ellie, but it’s unproductive. Obasi and the Attorney General have advised her to make a complete public statement, but Ellie argues that Planet Resistance is not a terrorist organization. She throws Robert’s obsession with his legacy over his family in his face by telling him Planet Resistance is ensuring the world will exist for a history to contain him. 

Henry has a visitor, too, against his lawyer’s advice. The now-fired Francine Bridge is horrified by the death and destruction of Godley Common. Henry first claims the government was responsible and then calls it a triumph for Planet Resistance. He also claims Nate is an undercover cop.

We discover Nate is waiting in a darkened house for a call telling him he’s being sent to Zurich, much to his protest. It’s easy to see why because the moment he steps outside, men turn up and escort him straight back to the safe house. Meanwhile, a crowd of protesters surges outside the Defense Expo, Polly among them. Victoria gins up the riot gear-clad police, telling them any violence can be responded to as seen fit. (She really loves her job!). The Defense Expo security is breached by the mob, causing chaos and damage, as the police hit and club protestors. Polly is knocked unconscious, arrested, and taken to a cell. She calls for help, telling whoever may be listening she feels unwell. 

Picture shows: Eleanor James (Lisa Palfrey) pays a visit to an old friend.

Eleanor James (Lisa Palfrey).

© Sky Studios Limited

Eleanor confirms Nate isn’t undercover with anyone before heading to see her former colleague, Zelda Gere (Rina Mahoney), who now owns a private consulting company, Rhombus Strategic Service. Her clients include the Shirazian royals, for whom she provides security. As they talk shop, Eleanor mentions Nate. Zelda agrees his disappearance and the creation of a false ID based on the birth certificate of a deceased infant suggest he is an asset who’s had training, claiming not to know him. Of course, as soon as Eleanor leaves, Zelda picks up the phone: “We need to discuss Nathan Scott.”

Thanks to her mother’s lawyer and lack of proof, Ellie is sent home for house arrest. But first, she visits Polly in the ICU. Police guarding the room won’t admit her, and sadly, soon after, Polly dies. Ellie meets Polly’s dad and breaks the news that his daughter is dead, and they grieve together, both heartbroken. Anna tells Robert about Polly’s death and finds him heartbroken about Ellie’s rejection, her belief that he has blood on his hands, and her dismissal of his life’s work. Anna says it’s time to go home, but it doesn’t happen. Instead, we get what we’ve been waiting for for three seasons (although for Robert and Anna, it’s been years, if not decades)––a passionate kiss. 

Life at No. 10 Downing Street just became even more complicated.

COBRA: Rebellion continues with new episodes every Thursday at 10 p.m. ET on the PBS app, the PBS Masterpiece Prime Video Channel, and (technically) on linear. However, most local PBS stations air it on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday as their schedule sees fit. (Please check your local listings!) The entire season is available as an early release for members on PBS Passport.

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Janet Mullany

Writer Janet Mullany is from England, drinks a lot of tea, and likes Jane Austen, reading, and gasping in shock at costumes in historical TV dramas. Her household near Washington DC includes two badly-behaved cats about whom she frequently boasts on Facebook.

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