Another New Downton Abbey Clip Arrives: Watch the Dowager and Martha Face Off

It seems pretty clear that while everyone ever is eagerly (rabidly? fanatically? intensely?) anticipating the return of Downton Abbey, what we all most want to see in Series 3 is Dame Maggie Smith’s Dowager Countess throw down with newcomer Martha Levinson, played by Shirley MacLaine.  As Cora’s American mother, Martha will obviously be bringing a new sensibility into the stoic English estate, and seems certain to clash quite frequently with the more traditionalist Violet.

Luckily, we can get another taste of what's in store for us in Series 3 now - Masterpiece has released another new clip from the new season, and it's basically made to satisfy our need to see as much of Dame Maggie vs. Shirley as we can possibly get.

Get another sneak peek at the new season for yourself below and let us hear your thoughts in the comments. Just 133 days to go! (Sigh.  Yet another reason I wish I lived in the UK!)

In this new clip, we see what appears to be Martha’s arrival at Downton and first meeting with the Dowager Countess. Naturally, maybe a second passes before the gloves come off and the snarking starts.

Enjoy – again, this snippet is super short, clocking in at barely twenty five seconds, but definitely enough to get you suitably excited.

Lacy Baugher

Lacy's love of British TV is embarrassingly extensive, but primarily centers around evangelizing all things Doctor Who, and watching as many period dramas as possible.

Digital media type by day, she also has a fairly useless degree in British medieval literature, and dearly loves to talk about dream poetry, liminality, and the medieval religious vision. (Sadly, that opportunity presents itself very infrequently.) York apologist, Ninth Doctor enthusiast, and unabashed Ravenclaw. Say hi on Threads or Blue Sky at @LacyMB. 

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